我們的業務 活動策劃及宣傳 活動策劃、活動管理​、各式設計、媒體宣傳、媒體訪問​、公關管理 搭建及佈置 舞台搭建、展覽搭建、活動場地佈置、店鋪設計​、流動店舖設計 ​攝影攝錄 專業攝影、專業攝錄、燈光製作、串流直播 Our Services Production | Stage - Exhibition - Popup - Show - Decoration Event | Planning

家居 / 通渠及水電工程通渠救兵專業渠務工程

太子區全職女導師:擁有三張演奏級鋼琴證書LRSM, Dip ABRSM,Trinity ATCL:專業教授鋼琴﹑豎琴,Dip ABRSM演奏級及榮獲英國皇家音樂學院八級豎琴(優異成績)豐富豎琴表演,Harp Wedding performance,豎琴演奏經驗 鋼琴老師 豎琴老師 教琴老師 上門鋼琴老師 太子學琴 九龍灣學琴 九龍城區教琴 九龍塘學琴 何文田學琴 宋皇臺站 啟德 啟德鋼琴老師 太子
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Hung

supplies a full range of audio, video, lighting and staging production.
攝影及影音 / 節目及活動卓思影音製作有限公司

we have already extended our service to Japan. Delegated staff are localized in Japan in order to contact the domestic customers and attain the hottest Japanese mobile information

提供各類型model化妝造型,廣告造型,婚紗雜誌化妝,beauty 雜誌化妝,不同宴會造型,公司party化妝,特技化妝,舞臺表演及新娘造型.
l美容 / 化妝lily

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Payne Clermont is a boutique law firm providing high quality legal services and practical solutions to legal problems.
p商業 / 法律事務payneclermont

re.c is a company which provides dynamic professional solution to all your promotion and marketing needs in recording. We specialize in event photography and videography and we develops high quality,

不鏽鋼工程,Stainless Steel Works,建築的幕墻不鏽鋼件及天幕,玻璃攔河,外墻裝飾板,環保設備的水缸及機器設備平台及管線和不鏽鋼支架,沙井蓋,樓梯,雨棚,防火門,欄杆攔河扶手,中電及水務的不鏽鋼貓梯,平台,沙井蓋,不鏽鋼門及百葉-YAM GOLD
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

挖掘及安裝鋼支撐系統,設計及組裝,填海圍堰設計,物料採購,製作及供應,鑽探鋼管及打樁鋼管的物料供應,S690型材的供應,Excavation And Installation Of Steel Support Systems, Design And Assembly.ELS-Works....
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

Outsourcing has become a global phenomena brought about by the evolution of the world’s economy. Outsource with ANGLER for better projects at low price.

詳情: http://www.namscn.com/#!untitled/cho0
C美容 / 化妝Ching Nam So

weekly cleaning services, boradband internet, private shower, electricity & water bills are included, cooking facilities, flexible lease

註冊電業承辦商,一級水喉匠,並提供電力工程 Electric Work,水喉工程 Plumbing Service,冷氣工程 Air-conditioning,緊急維修 Emergency Service,其他 Other Service等服務。
家居 / 通渠及水電工程日昇工程公司

As a professional trade media in Hong Kong, Global Sources Publications Ltd. has been promoting global trade between worldwide buyers & suppliers for over two decades by offering first-hand marke
G商業 / 會社、組織及團體Global Sources Publications Ltd.

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts

會計服務,全套報表包括,資產負債表,損益表及所有明細賬,稅務服務,個人、獨資業務、合夥業務、無限公司 及 有限公司,薪俸稅,物業稅,利得稅,個人入息課稅,僱員薪酬報稅表,及其他所有稅務報表,稅務服務包括:代客 計算稅務,提供 合法 可行 節稅安排,填寫 稅務報表,提供 稅務咨詢,回答 稅務局問題,處理 稅務爭議
商業 / 會計及稅務執業會計師

PPS to most people - is a name that is synonymous with quality and reliability. Established in 1976, over the years we have grown from a local cleaning service provider into today's market leader. Ou
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲寶聯Pollution & Protection Services Ltd.
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